Man reaching for a bottle from shelves of pesticide bottles Centre for Pesticide Suicide Prevention Upturned bottles in soil one showing label with 'Poison' Ban toxic
Corridor in a Bangladesh hospital. Credit: Heshani Sothiraj Eddleston Save lives
Pesticide poisoning is one of the most common methods of global suicide

The problem

Read the problem
Banning highly hazardous pesticides saves lives

The solution

Read the solution
We are the only global initiative dedicated to preventing pesticide suicide

What we do

Read what we do

Who we are

The Centre for Pesticide Suicide Prevention (CPSP) works to reduce the number of pesticide suicides worldwide. We are a philanthropically funded research and policy initiative within the University of Edinburgh. 

An estimated 14 million people have died from pesticide self-poisoning since the Green Revolution, making it one of the most common methods of global suicide. We work in low and middle-income countries, where pesticide self-poisoning is a recognised and significant health problem, in collaboration with national policy-makers. Our work aims to identify lethal pesticides responsible for deaths and end their use through regulatory action. 

Infographic summarising Centre for Pesticide Suicide Prevention work

*Content warning: videos contain content about suicide and suicidal feelings*


Introduction to CPSP


Nepal Case Study


Vendor 'Gatekeeper' Training


Udeni: A Survivor's Story


The Rights of the Child

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Opinion and analysis

Comment and views on issues related to pesticide self-poisoning from the Centre for Pesticide Suicide Prevention team.

Pesticide Suicides Myth vs Fact

Myth-busting pesticide suicide

We explore some of the myths surrounding pesticide suicide.

Farmer in Nepal spraying pesticides on a field

How pesticide poisoning became a global health problem

To mark World Health Day 2024, Ellie Roger explores the causes of pesticide poisoning – one of the world’s major, yet often overlooked, health challenges.

Professor Michael Eddleston with researchers in Sri Lanka

Reflecting on three decades of work to prevent deaths from pesticide self-poisoning

CPSP Director & Founder Professor Michael Eddleston looks back on almost 30 years of work to prevent suicides from pesticide self-poisoning.

Farm worker spraying pesticides in Nepal

Can we really blame farmers for pesticide ‘misuse’?

Dr Leah Utyasheva takes a closer look at the concept of pesticide ‘misuse’ through a human rights perspective.